Hi all,
I am happy to inform you that I have selected for the project "Develop a
'NoSQL' Datastore component for Apache Cassandra, CouchDB, Hadoop/Hbase" [1]
and my proposal can be found at [2] and I am really happy to involve in a
great project like this and willing to do my best.
I would like to thank Jean-Sebastien for this great project idea and take
part in this project as mentor. Also I would like to thank Florian and all
the community members who give their precious ideas for the project.

Here is a brief introduction to the project.
Though it named as develop a NoSQL datastore component we thought of having
2 different components for one database. So collectively it become a

   - A wrapper component for database
   - REST interface component which gives a global interface for all the
   datastore components users

I would like develop the datastore composite for 3 different NoSQL

   - Apache Cassandra
   - CouchDB
   - Hadoop/Hbase

I will keep you all updated with my project and I would like to have your
ideas in the project while continuing the project. Please feel free to add
comments, even to show me the errors which I will consider them as precious

Eranda Sooriyabandara
Blog: http://www.emsooriyabandara.blogspot.com/
LInkedIn: http://lk.linkedin.com/in/erandasooriyabandara

[1]. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TUSCANY-3522

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