On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 5:56 PM, Raymond Feng <enjoyj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good summary :-).
> I like the context driven approach. In addition to what you listed, I
> propose a few more:
> * TUSCANY_CONTEXT: The context for the whole Tuscany runtime in the JVM (can
> be seen as the replacement for NodeFactory). It provides accesses to the
> ExtensionPointRegistry (in turn Extension Points and Extensions).
> * NODE_CONTEXT: The context for a given Tuscany node (can be seen as the
> replacement for CompositeContext)
> On the application side, we could have things like:
> * DOMAIN_CONTEXT (to access the domain registry)
> * REQUEST_CONTEXT (to access the security context, thread, MESSAGE)
> Also there should be a hierarchy of the context objects, for example, the
> NODE_CONTEXT should have a pointer to the TUSCANY_CONTEXT.
> Thanks,
> Raymond
> ________________________________________________________________
> Raymond Feng
> rf...@apache.org
> Apache Tuscany PMC member and committer: tuscany.apache.org
> Co-author of Tuscany SCA In Action book: www.tuscanyinaction.com
> Personal Web Site: www.enjoyjava.com
> ________________________________________________________________

Yes, it's a shame we don't pass round a TuscanyContext rather than the
ExtensionPointRegistry when we configure extension factories. We could
look to do that but that's possibly a little orthogonal to how we pass
context along the invocation chain. Although having said that if the
providers did have access to a more complete context picture they
could of course prime a message with a reference to that context at
little extra cost. I was hinting at needing to add a context extension
point so maybe that is a simple way through this. I.e. define a
context base class and have context factories  and structures
registered against it, e.g.

Static context:

o.a.t.s.context.ContextFactory ->
 // for anything that doesn't change at runtime we could add the
context object to the registry also

Dynamic context:

o.a.t.s.context.ContextFactory ->
o.a.t.s.context.ContextFactory ->

For the @Context visitor we could then look at the type of the
injected context and compare against registered context types before
creating and injector (currently it only allows

For the Message we could then adjust the interface to be something like

   Map<String, Object> getHeaders();  // retains this to hold message
protocol headers. Any existing code that uses it remains the same
   <T> T getContext(Class<T> contextClass); // replaces getBindingContext()

Hence when you need a particular context you do something like:

MyPolicyContext context = message.getContext(MyPolicyContext.class);

That should allows us include context extensibly in support of passing
policy driven context to component implementations. If subsequently we
want to connect context into a hierarchy that's great.



Apache Tuscany committer: tuscany.apache.org
Co-author of a book about Tuscany and SCA: tuscanyinaction.com

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