On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 1:16 PM, ant elder <ant.el...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've hacked some code together to support Cross-Origin Resource
> Sharing (CORS) which is newer replacement to JSONP (which we support
> with <binding.jsonp>) and i was wondering what the best place to put
> it is. I've tried in binding.http but that is a bit old now and hasn't
> really kept  up with all the work in binding.rest, i've added it to
> binding.rest too but i don't really like the name REST in that binding
> and alll the old RPC function that it includes. So now i wondered if
> it was time for something new as we have talked about merging or
> replacing binding.http/binding.rest in the past so i wonder if it was
> time for something like a binding.jaxrs which has all the good new
> bits from binding.rest and http and then CORS could be supported with
> something like <binding.jaxrs enableCORS="true"> or maybe even have
> CORS enabled by default.
> Comments or preferences?
>   ...ant

What is the old RPC stuff that you want to remove from REST ? If you
are referring for the old Collection support, I'm +1 on cleaning up
that from REST binding. If you are referring to the different
operation selectors, then I believe we should leave it there as I have
couple scenarios that require that functionality.  Having said that, I
really wouldn't like to create yet a 3rd binding. Is there a way we
can enable CORS as an optional operationSelector.

Luciano Resende

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