Bringing up this quite old email again on adding and removing wires dynamically.

Now that the domain registry is more functional I think we can get
this working now so fyi i'm going start having a go, so say if you've
views on the best approach. For now I'll try as suggested below with
some new data in the domain registry for the wire re-targets so that
dynamic wires can be deployed around the distributed domain and so
that endpoints can be reset when wires are removed.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ant elder <>
Date: Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 7:12 PM
Subject: Adding and removing wires dynamically during runtime

Another part of the distributed domain support we've still to do is
deploying composites with <wire> elements which retarget existing
references. This is described in section 5.4 in the Assembly spec. The
wires could be deployed anywhere in the domain so the reference is not
necessarily in the same JVM as the wire, so this is new information we
need to propergate around the distributed registry, and we need to be
able to put things back when a wire is undeployed so it needs a way to
remember the old target.


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