ant elder wrote:
On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 12:28 PM, Simon Laws <> wrote:
On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 9:57 AM, ant elder <> wrote:
Ok well thanks for looking. I think we all knew there were issues with
some samples, and we saw what happened with the beta1 release when we
tried to sort all that out and it descended into unconstructiveness. I
can fix some of those that you've pointed out, though i wont have much
time for a little while, but there are some i'm not interested in. I'd
have preferred to just release what we have quickly and fix things
incrementally in more frequent releases but for now i'll wait a little
while and see if we get any fixes made and then look at an RC2 in a
week or two.


Ok, well for a 2.0 release I think we should either fix or remove
stuff that doesn't work. I'll have some time but it's a bit sporadic
at the moment.

Ok I'll look forward to you sporadic help. I will point out that we
tried the approach you suggest with Beta2 and had a 100+ email grumpy
thread when people didn't like samples getting taken out. With the
help we have IMHO its better to get a release out soon than sit on it
for months or years as its not perfect and this is the approach I'm
going to take with the next RCs.


IIRC, there was agreement on that thread that samples that don't work
should be taken out, but there were objections to removing samples that
do work.


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