
I didn't found this subject in the faq, so I ask it.
I create a writer document and I'd like to have the page numbering.
It works except for the first page.
If I use PageNumberOffset to a value > 1, it works correctly.
If I set this to one or I don't set it, I have a blank number on the first page.
Do I forget something ?
Here is my sample :

# access the current writer document
model = desktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, ())
# access the document's text property
text = model.Text
# create a cursor
cursor = text.createTextCursor()
print "page syle : ", cursor.PageStyleName
cursor.setPropertyValue("PageNumberOffset", 1)
PageStyles = model.StyleFamilies.getByName("PageStyles")
StdPage = PageStyles.getByName("Standard")
StdPage.FooterIsOn = True
PageCount = model.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.textfield.PageCount")
PageCount.NumberingType = ARABIC
PageNumber = model.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.textfield.PageNumber")
PageNumber.NumberingType = ARABIC
FooterCursor = StdPage.FooterTextLeft.Text.createTextCursor()
StdPage.FooterTextLeft.Text.insertString(FooterCursor, "Page : ", False)
StdPage.FooterTextLeft.Text.insertTextContent(FooterCursor, PageNumber, False)
StdPage.FooterTextLeft.Text.insertString(FooterCursor, "/", False)
StdPage.FooterTextLeft.Text.insertTextContent(FooterCursor, PageCount, False)
FooterCursor.setPropertyValue("ParaAdjust", RIGHT);

I tried it on ubuntu karmic ( openoffice 3.1.1 ), ubuntu maverick ( 3.2.1 )
I always get the same problem.

Serge Noiraud
Linux, c'est mieux. Firefox, c'est mieux. LibreOffice, c'est mieux.

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