Hi all,
I was installing the aggregate-parent-poms project whit Maven 2.2.1 when I
got the following error with the parent-pom-annotator module:

[0] Inside the definition for plugin 'PearPackagingMavenPlugin' specify the
> following:

> <configuration>




> -OR-

> on the command line, specify: '-DpearMainDescriptor=VALUE'

It seems that the ${pearMainDescriptor} property cannot be resolved to a
proper value.
The strange thing is that if I go installing it from the
parent-pom-annotator module directory it installs without any problems.

If I use Maven 3.0beta1 everything works fine in both scenarios.
So I wonder if we should change the minimum required Maven version to 3x,
even if, in my opinion, it would be better to wait for a stable 3.0 Maven

What do you think?


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