Version 4 of the parent-pom-top is ready for release.

The following Jira's are fixed:

    * [UIMA-1827 <>] - Build of
      docbooks failing - because plugin repositories don't include the snapshots
    * [UIMA-1828 <>] - change
      maven prereq level to 3.0-beta-1

The release is staged here:

Suggested way to test: add this to your maven "settings" in the
<profiles> section:


Then change in your workspace the version of parent-pom-top to 4 (from
4-SNAPSHOT), and confirm that builds work, using

mvn clean install -Pstaged-release

More background on this approach is here:

(One "easy" way to change this using eclipse is to do the following in a
workspace containing multiple projects (tested with eclipse 3.5)
1) select menu: Search -> File and type in the regex pattern:
1a) be sure to click the case-sensitive and regex boxes
1b) select to look in *.xml files
2) click on "Replace", let it find the target(s), and for the replace string use
regex pattern: $1<version>4
2a) tick the box - use regular expression
2b) click on preview, and inspect some or all of the proposed changes to see
they are ok, then push OK.

This will change all the files at once.

Also, please inspect the release artifacts to insure they have the proper
license /notice files.

Finally, someone should verify that the parent-pom-top can be built from the

Vote open for 72 hours.

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Thanks for your help in checking/verifying, in advance!

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