
the fourth release candidate of the sandbox project Apache UIMA DUCC v1.0.0
is ready for voting.

Issues fixed in RC4:

1) Fixed NOTICE files
3) Changed location of DUCC docs
4) SM fails a job if its service dependencies are only whitespace
5) Updates to sampleapps to be consistent with recent build changes
6) Generate HTML for installation guide as well as PDF

DUCC stands for Distributed UIMA Cluster Computing. DUCC is a cluster
management system providing tooling, management, and scheduling facilities
to automate the scale-out of applications written to the UIMA framework.
Core UIMA provides a generalized framework for applications that process
unstructured information such as human language, but does not provide a
scale-out mechanism. UIMA-AS provides a scale-out mechanism to distribute
UIMA pipelines over a cluster of computing resources, but does not provide
job or cluster management of the resources. DUCC defines a formal job model
that closely maps to a standard UIMA pipeline. Around this job model DUCC
provides cluster management services to automate the scale-out of UIMA
pipelines over computing clusters.

The Maven artifacts are here:

The source and binary zip/tars are here:

The SVN Tag Checkout:

See: http://uima.apache.org/testing-builds.html for instructions how to
test release candidate.

Please vote on release:

[ ] +1 OK to release
[ ]  0 Don't care
[ ] -1 Not OK to release, because ...

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