Thanks Richard, I forgot that there are no problems at all if I use
uimaFIT "correctly".

+1 I will adapt ruta to use descriptions

I do already some stuff you mention below, but the part with the inlined
analysis engines was a bit neglected.



Am 19.08.2016 um 10:08 schrieb Richard Eckart de Castilho:
> I have been thinking a bit about this.
>> On 19.08.2016, at 09:57, Peter Klügl <> wrote:
>> What are our options concerning the three projects? The functionality in
>> ruta calling analysis engines is needed (preferable without switching in
>> future).
> With the present release versions of UIMA/uimaFIT, the following should
> be done when creating analysis engines inside other analysis engines:
>   // use createEngineDescription instead of createEngine
>   AnalysisEngineDescription aed = createEngineDescription(MyNestedAE.class);
>   // Obtain resource manager from enclosing AE
>   ResourceManager mgr = ((UimaContextAdmin) 
> getContext()).getResourceManager();
>   // Use that resource manager when creating the actual engine
>   AnalysisEngine engine = UIMAFramework.produceAnalysisEngine(aed, mgr, null);
>> Yes, uimaFIT should not create a resource manager, or at least there
>> should be an option to reuse a given one... 
> There is no uimaFIT method for this because it can easily be
> accomplished using UIMAFramework.
>> or at least a given classloader. The switching is somewhat problematic
>> for me and Ruta, but did not cause too serious problems yet.
> You could also do that by creating your own resource manager and using
> it when creating the engine:
>   ResourceManager resMgr = UIMAFramework.newDefaultResourceManager();
>   resMgr.setExtensionClassPath(myClassLoader, "", true);
>> There is of course ResourceManagerFactory.setResourceManagerCreator().
>> With this, I could delegate the existing/ruta resource manager to the
>> uimaFIT factories, but I do not know if I should really do this in a
>> static manner.
> I don't think that makes sense in this case. I added that function in
> case somebody wants to use uimaFIT with the original UIMA behavior
> (i.e. without using the Thread context classloader) or to experiment
> with other classloading scenarios.
> What do you think?
> Cheers,
> -- Richard

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