re: remove the need for the snapshot iterators then?

Yes, mostly.  There's one other use for those iterators, I think - they can in
unusual circumstances, speed things up (but mostly, they slow things down a
little). The speed up happens if you're doing a fully sorted index with lots of
subtypes interleaved and do multiple moves forwards and backwards.  The snapshot
"flattens" the interleaved nature (if I remember correctly), and then the
forwards and backwards movement occurs more efficiently, without "rattling" the
multiple iterators (one per type) as they interleave.


On 9/16/2016 4:20 PM, Richard Eckart de Castilho wrote:
> On 16.09.2016, at 22:06, Marshall Schor <> wrote:
>>>> Does this seem like a good thing to try?
> Definitely sounds promising. So that would remove the need for the snapshot 
> iterators then?
> Cheers,
> -- Richard

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