My recollection is that JCasGen tend to make things private and final,
but I haven't looked at the generated classes in a while (by virtue of
keeping them in generated-sources).


On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 5:12 PM, Marshall Schor <> wrote:
> there's plenty of denseness to go around :-)  I think this ought to work in v2
> as well?  Can you say a scenario where it wouldn't?
> -Marshall
> On 11/21/2016 4:49 PM, Richard Eckart de Castilho wrote:
>> Sorry, probably I'm being dense ;) So for V2, I'm pretty sure that this
>> didn't "just work", but I gather you say that for V3, this really does
>> work?
>> Cheers,
>> -- Richard
>>> On 21.11.2016, at 22:46, Marshall Schor <> wrote:
>>> I'm probably being dense, but I'm not sure why it wouldn't just work:
>>> Foo : a JCas gen'd class
>>> SubFoo extends Foo - the subclass
>>> new SubFoo(jcas)  would create a new feature structure, assuming the 
>>> constructor
>>> called its superconstructor (as is normally the case).
>>> mySubFooInstance.getFeatureXyz()  - this would be implemented in the super
>>> class, and work fine, I think, as would the setters...
>>> -Marshall

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