This is per reference of this question I raised on StackOverflow As per @Peter 
Kluegl there is too much scope for code improvement.
So eagerly looking how can I improve this script


WORDLIST EnglishStopWordList = 'en/anchor/en_stopWords.txt';
WORDLIST FiltersList = 'en/anchor/AnchorFilters.txt';
DECLARE Filters, EnglishStopWords;
DECLARE Anchors, SpanStart,SpanClose;

DocumentAnnotation{-> ADDRETAINTYPE(MARKUP)};

DocumentAnnotation{-> MARKFAST(Filters, FiltersList)};

STRING MixCharacterRegex = "[0-9]+[a-zA-Z]+";

DocumentAnnotation{-> MARKFAST(EnglishStopWords, EnglishStopWordList,true)};
(SW | CW | CAP ) { -> MARK(Anchors, 1, 2)};
Anchors{CONTAINS(EnglishStopWords) -> UNMARK(Anchors)};

(SPECIAL{REGEXP("['\"-=()\\[\\]]")}| PM) (SW | CW | CAP ) 
(SPECIAL{REGEXP("['\"-=()\\[\\]]")}| PM) EnglishStopWords? { -> MARK(Anchors, 
1, 4)};
(SPECIAL{REGEXP("['\"-=()\\[\\]]")}| PM)? (SW | CW | CAP ) 
(SPECIAL{REGEXP("['\"-=()\\[\\]]")}| PM) EnglishStopWords? { -> MARK(Anchors, 
1, 4)};
(SPECIAL{REGEXP("['\"-=()\\[\\]]")}| PM) (SW | CW | CAP ) 
(SPECIAL{REGEXP("['\"-=()\\[\\]]")}| PM)? EnglishStopWords? { -> MARK(Anchors, 
1, 4)};
(SW | CW | CAP ) (SPECIAL{REGEXP("['\"-=()\\[\\]]")}| PM) EnglishStopWords? { 
-> MARK(Anchors, 1, 3)};

Anchors{CONTAINS(MARKUP) -> UNMARK(Anchors)};
MixCharacterRegex -> Anchors;

"<Value>"  -> SpanStart;
"</Value>" -> SpanClose;

Anchors{-> CREATE(ExtractedData, "type" = "ANCHOR", "value" = Anchors)};

SpanStart Filters? SPACE? ExtractedData SPACE? Filters? SpanClose{-> 
GATHER(Data, 2, 6, "ExtractedData" = 4)};

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