I just wanted to add that I agree with all of the points in both of your
emails :-)


Am 20.11.2019 um 17:03 schrieb Richard Eckart de Castilho:
> On 20. Nov 2019, at 16:01, Marshall Schor <m...@schor.com> wrote:
>> b) users don't like to upgrade - it's potentially destabilizing, and "busy 
>> work"
>> usually.  So "bothering" our users with excessive upgrades isn't so good. 
>> Example: the new Java release system, where there's 1 long-term-stable 
>> release
>> followed by 2 short releases; I think most people don't bother with the short
>> term releases...
> It is true that users usually do not like to upgrade, but that doesn't mean
> not to make release, does it? After all, they can decide if they want to 
> upgrade
> or not. And I think it is good to make releases rather often for various 
> reasons:
> - the more often you make a release, the more you care to make it a convenient
>   process (i.e. automatize as much as possible); the less mistakes you make 
> during
>   a release; the less you have to review, etc.
> - those users who are waiting for a particular fix can get it quickly without 
> having
>   to work with SNAPSHOT builds
> - contributions can make it to a release more quickly which makes it more 
> attractive for
>   people to contribute
> - it underlines the activity of the project
> - actually the "upgrade risk" gets smaller because there are less potentially 
> problematic
>   changes between each release - and because of early adopters' feedback, you 
> might be able
>   to fix many of these problems before they even impact on the bulk of the 
> users, simply by
>   putting out another release which circumvents the problem
> So, if somebody would ask me to go for few and big releases vs. small 
> incremental and frequent
> released, I'd go for the latter. 
> But I also usually work with a development branch (preparing new feature for 
> the next "big"
> release) and a maintenance branch (bug fixes and small improvements for the 
> last "big" release)
> I feel which is necessary ask an additional means of balancing upgrade risks 
> vs. development
> speed vs. bug-fixing speed.
> In my "fastest moving" project right now, we have bugfix releases every 2-3 
> weeks and feature
> releases every 6-8 weeks.
> Cheers,
> -- Richard

Dr. Peter Klügl
R&D Text Mining/Machine Learning

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