- built source: OK
- spot checked hashes/sigs: OK
- spot checked licenses/notices: OK
source zip contains LICENSE and LICENSE.txt, and NOTICE and NOTICE.md
- spot checked readme/release notes: OK
- tested update site: OK

[x] +1 OK to release


Am 19.10.2022 um 16:06 schrieb Richard Eckart de Castilho:

the Apache UIMA Java SDK 3.3.1 RC 1 has been staged.

This is a bugfix release.

**Bugs fixed**
* 🦟 Issue #255: File handle leak accessing performanceTuning.properties
* 🦟 Issue #240: Helper annotation created by SelectFS should not survive
* 🦟 Issue #238: Form 6 serializes non-reachable FSes but should not
* 🦟 Issue #235: Misleading error message when JCas type is not registered
* 🦟 [UIMA-6479] PearPackagingMavenPlugin has ancient JUnit dependency
* 🦟 [UIMA-6473] CasToComparableText is broken

* ⭐️ Issue #222: Support comparing test files irrespective of line endings
* ⭐️ [UIMA-6480] Add tests with empty arrays to CAS de/ser-suite

* ⚙️ [UIMA-6454] Update dependencies
* ⚙️ [UIMA-6463] Use toolchains to ensure compatibility with Java 1.8
* ⚙️ [UIMA-6469] Cleaning up file handling code

Dist. artifacts:     
Eclipse Update Site: 
Maven staging repo:  
GitHub tag:          https://github.com/apache/uima-uimaj/tree/uimaj-3.3.1

Please vote on release:

[ ] +1 OK to release
[ ] 0   Don't care
[ ] -1 Not OK to release, because ...


-- Richard

Dr. Peter Klügl
Head of Text Mining/Machine Learning

Averbis GmbH
Salzstr. 15
79098 Freiburg

Fon: +49 761 708 394 0
Fax: +49 761 708 394 10
Email: peter.klu...@averbis.com
Web: https://averbis.com

Headquarters: Freiburg im Breisgau
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