Hello everyone,

You will find below the meeting minutes from our call today

# Participants:
  - Jerome B. - Jahia
  - Kevan J. - Jahia
  - Thomas S. - Enonic
  - Jonathan S. - Jahia
  - David G. - Jahia
  - Francois G. - Jahia

# Agenda
 - Round table and introduction
 - Next release
 - Project roadmap and backlog
 - Q&A / General discussion items

# Meeting minutes
The main goal is to use this meeting as a regular checkpoint, discuss
the next release, open PRs, short/mid-term activities, and
important/notable tickets.

## Roadmap and backlog
A vote was sent yesterday for Unomi 2.5.0, we’re currently not
expecting the next Unomi release (2.6.0) to happen in the short-mid
term. Outside of the project context, some work will be carried out by
Jahia to assist some of their business users to migrate towards a
product built upon Unomi 2, these migrations might trigger further
improvements in Unomi 2.

Some work was done recently to upgrade dependencies (UNOMI-829).
Dedicated issues were created for those dependencies that couldn’t be
updated without significant changes in the codebase. Pull Requests
opened by dependabot were not re-reviewed after that effort, Jonathan
S. (assignee on UNOMI-829) will do a pass on those that were made
outdated by the ticket and will close them. For the other dependabot
pull requests, this will be tracked with UNOMI-693, by looking at
their age, quite a few of them are likely outdated.

Work was carried out on the Graphql API, but was blocked by
dependencies to graphql-java / graphql-java-annotations. A release is
currently being worked on for graphql-java-annotations (expected in
the next 2 weeks), which would allow the work to resume on UNOMI-680
and its subtasks.

The list of PRs will be reviewed again next month.

We did not spend much time discussing the scope of Unomi 2.6.0, and we
expect it to keep evolving in the coming months.

## General discussion items
Thomas mentioned that the lack of UI / admin view on Unomi is creating
challenges to adoption. It was mentioned that some work might
currently be carried out on this topic by project/community members
but participants of the call were not directly involved and cannot
comment (individual (s) involved are welcome to comment).

A ticket was created to implement OpenSearch support for Unomi
(UNOMI-828), this raises interests but participants on the call were
unclear about the status and plans, in particular when it comes to
current and future (8+) compatibility with Elasticsearch (see the
question in the ticket itself).

A question was raised about the use of sessions in REST vs GraphQL,
sessions are still used and necessary for the REST API but are not
implemented in the GraphQL API.

# Next release
Apache Unomi 2.6.0 - release date not planned yet

# Next meeting
July 11, 2024 - 5PM CET (afternoon slot): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85252119410

# Actions
Jonathan S.: Close dependabot PRs that were made outdated by UNOMI-828

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