
I'm curious: where monthly project meetings details are shared ? Where
can people find the invite ?
I don't see anything on the mailing list (I might have missed it), nor
on the website (https://unomi.apache.org/community/index.html).

There is no problem to have such meetings as soon as:
- anyone can participate (community meeting)
- it's clearly share on website and mailing lists
- recording or minute notes are shared on the mailing list (you are good here)

So please, update the website and send a reminder on the mailing list.
I would be happy to participate in some of these meetings, but I was not aware.

Thanks !

On Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 10:23 AM Francois Gerthoffert
<franc...@gerthoffert.net> wrote:
> # Participants:
>  - Kevan J. - Jahia
>  - Jonathan S. - Jahia
>  - Serger H. - Inoyu
>  - Francois G. - Jahia
> # Agenda
>  - Round table and introduction
>  - Next release
>  - Project roadmap and backlog
>  - Q&A / General discussion items
> # Meeting minutes
> Some initial research was done about supporting the OpenSearch client
> (https://github.com/opensearch-project/opensearch-java) as an
> alternative to the legacy Elasticsearch client. This would not be a
> replacement for the client but an alternative, with users able to
> choose which one to use. This would put some foundation in place to
> make it easier, at a later stage, to update the elasticsearch client
> to the new Open Source java client
> (https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-java).
> Regarding the website, Serge is looking into adding a new plugins (or
> extensions) section, the idea is to highlight products built on top of
> (or with) Unomi but not directly inside the project. The goal is for
> this section to be product-centric (in that it would differ from the
> existing “Stories” section).
> In the past, there have been some security discussions around some of
> the Unomi features (such as the ability for an admin to upload groovy
> scripts). We should insist in the documentation that this feature is
> behind an authentication/authorization layer requiring a high level of
> privileges.
> There has been some discussion about the upgrade of CXF, and a comment
> was added to the corresponding PR:
> https://github.com/apache/unomi/pull/668
> # Next release
> Apache Unomi 2.6.0 - release date not planned yet
> Some production environments are expected to be migrated from 1x to
> 2x, which might highlight issues we do not yet know about. Depending
> on those, we might release a new version in the coming weeks/months.
> # Next meeting
> Meeting canceled (vacations): August 8, 2024 - 9AM CET (morning slot
> Next meeting: September 12, 2024 - 5PM CET (afternoon slot):
> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85252119410
> # Actions
> Serge H.: Update the documentation regarding groovy actions to insist
> on required privileges

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