Thanks for sharing Trevor! I used to live in Chicago, May is a great time
of year to be there.

I was considering submitting something about getting started with Unomi,
has anyone else looked at this? Is this something I could do?

I could give a demo running Unomi locally and show how to use the
endpoints. I noticed that at my company we already put most of the customer
profile data into ES and we make just a small tweak to that to get Unomi
running. The rules feature is really liked at my company. I could probably
share about that too. I'm not sure I got the whole plugin thing figured out
yet but I might by May.

On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 9:44 AM Trevor Grant <> wrote:

> Hello Devs!
> You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to one or more
> Apache developer email lists.
> I’m writing to let you know about an exciting event coming to the Chicago
> area: The Apache Roadshow Chicago.  It will be held May 13th and 14th at
> three bars in the Logan Square neighborhood (Revolution Brewing, The
> Native, and the Radler).
> There will be six tracks:
>    -
>    Apache in Adtech:  Tell us how Apache works in your advertising stack
>    -
>    Apache in Fintech: Tell us how Apache works in your finance/insurance
>    business
>    -
>    Apache in Startups: Tell us how you’re using Apache in your startup
>    -
>    Diversity in Apache: How do we increase and encourage diversity in
>    Apache and tech fields overall?
>    -
>    Made in Chicago: Apache related things made by people in Chicago that
>    don’t fall into other buckets
>    -
>    Project Shark Tank: Do you want more developers or users for your Apache
>    project? Come here and pitch it!
> This is an exciting chance to learn about how Apache Projects are in use in
> production around Chicago, how business users make the decision to use
> Apache projects, to learn about exciting new projects that want help from
> developers like you, and how/why to increase diversity in tech and IT.
> If you have any use cases of Apache products in Adtech, Fintech, or
> Startups; if you represent a minority working in tech and have perspectives
> to share, if you live in the Chicagoland area and want to highlight some
> work you’ve done on an Apache project, or if you want to get other people
> excited to come work on your project, then please submit a CFP before the
> deadline on February 15th!
> Tickets to the Apache Roadshow Chicago are $100; speakers will get a
> complimentary ticket.
> We’re looking forward to reading your submissions and seeing you there on
> May 13-14!
> Sincerely,
> Trevor Grant

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