HI All , Ive been looking at updating the iOS SDK which Ive got some good ideas 
for now there are a few options on what can be done for example with could 
build on the current SDK or fork apogee iOS sdks ,
 or we can start fresh and use a networking Library as it core like 
AFNetworking or RESTKit which its self is build on AFNetworking, IM happy to 
put the time into this and I can spare one staff member to help me but I don’t 
want t start
as I think these core idea need to be decided by the Usergrid community. So I 
would love some feed back on how this should be designed Ive got some of my own 
Idea which I’ll share now.

1- I think it should be package managed from the start. — CocoaPods
2- I think it should take advantage of other libraries — why reinvent the 
wheel. there are plenty of good networking libraries at are well supported that 
will handle networking better .
3- I should be easy to extend easy to add new collection model classes.
4- I use Good objective-c convention to better interoperate with Swift.
5- Be fun to use..

Any thought would be good as I said I’m happy to put the work in I just need a 
path to follow. these Idea are just mine if this is not what every one whats 
then I’ll go along with whats decided .


Jason Kristian | Director | Apps 4 U Pty Ltd.
ph: +61 075699 8109
mob: +61 0411 389 392
e: Jason Kristian <mailto:jas...@apps4u.com.au>

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