Hi to every one at usergrid dev and happy Christmas.

I’m just about done with the new iOS SDK and Ive got a question I would like to 
ask for input on .. What Ive done is added a few helper classes for example

1 - I created easy login screen that has Facebook and usergrid login set up 
ready for the user to style like they want.
2 - I create a UITableViewController & UICollectionViewController with paging 
and fetch controller already setup. as most application will use a table view 
controller to a usergrid collection and they would need paging setup so I 
created a UITableViewController & UICollectionView Controller with paging out 
of the box ready for user to style.

now the login helper class also has a dependancy on Facebook SDK. So I know 
that every one wants to have the SDK’s moved to there own repos so we can take 
advantage of Cocoapods for iOS , composer for php , etc. So My preference would 
be to have the iOS SDK in three repos 
so repo one would contain the Usergrid-IOS SDK and then the Login helper would 
sit in its own repo and the UITableViewController & UICollectionView Controller 
would sit in its own repo so when using for cocoapod I would have a few options.

options 1 — Usergrid SDK and all helper classes.

pod ‘Usergrid-SDK-all’

option 2 — just usergrid SDK

pod ‘Usergrid-SDK’ 

option 3 —  the usergrid sdks and the helpers I want.
pod ‘usergrid-SDK’
pod ‘usergrid-login’
pod usergrid-paging’

I will come up with better names but that should show you what Im planing so 
instead of one FAT SDK you can either have the SDK and then just install the 
helpers if wanted . This would be my preference so If I did not want the login 
helper I would not need the Facebook SDK so this way your builds don’t have SDK 
(cocoapods) unless you need it. If some one thinks that it should all be in one 
SDK let me know why and your reasons as
this is for every one not just my pref. and happy to change if thats what is 
wanted. But I think this will be best option to factor out the helpers only 
when needed.

So happy Christmas and New Year to all.

Jason Kristian | Director | Apps 4 U Pty Ltd.
ph: +61 075699 8109
mob: +61 0411 389 392
e: Jason Kristian <mailto:jas...@apps4u.com.au>

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