
I am working in es_CR translation and I will get ready soon so complete
spanish translation is coming soon, but I am confused about how to submit
my changes.  My background is in git so I know how works a version control
software so in the instructions of previous mail you put inside trunk other
tar.gz (dojo files) that makes some changes in trunk that I don't want to
submit so how can I make a patch with only translation files.

And do you need that I also upload .mo file?

Other thing, I am working with VCL  in Costa Rica specially with network
management system I am trying to incorporate SDN approach in VCL. So in
near future I will share with you my work in the ways that you have
documented for big changes in vcl :)

El viernes, 26 de agosto de 2016, Josh Thompson <josh_thomp...@ncsu.edu>
> Hash: SHA1
> If anyone would be willing to help out with VCL translation work again
> for 2.5, it would be greatly appreciated!
> I have updated the vcl.po.template file, the messages.js.template file,
> the vcl.po files for ex_MX, fr_CA, and po_PT (the others were already
> fairly out of date), and the messages.js files for ex_MX, fr_CA, and
> po_PT.  I would be happy to help get the older files back up to date or
> generate new ones for other languages if anyone would be willing to help
> do the translation work for them.
> This page explains more information about working with the translations:
> https://vcl.apache.org/docs/multilingualization.html
> Please ensure you are working with the latest files from trunk before
> getting started.  Here are steps to set up a test system with the latest
> (web and db) code from trunk:
> 1) use the 2.4.2 vcl-install.sh script to install to a test system
> 2) cd /var/www/html
> 3) svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/vcl/trunk/web vcl-trunk
> 4) cd /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
> 5) cp -r conf.php keys.pem pubkey.pem secrets.php spyc-0.5.1
> /var/www/html/vcl-trunk/.ht-inc
> 6) cd /var/www/html/vcl-trunk
> 7) wget
#md5sum: 90b82954c93090be738acaafa01c472c
> 8) tar xf dojo-vcl-2.5-test-20160825.tar.gz
> 9) cd themes
> 10) ./copydojocss.sh default
> 11) cd /var/www/html
> 12) rm vcl
> 13) ln -s vcl-trunk vcl
> 14) cd /root
> 15) svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/vcl/trunk/mysql vcl-mysql
> 16) mysqldump vcl > vcl-db-backup.sql
> 17) mysql vcl < vcl-mysql/update-vcl.sql
> Thanks in advance for your help!
> Josh
> - --
> - -------------------------------
> Josh Thompson
> VCL Developer
> North Carolina State University
> my GPG/PGP key can be found at pgp.mit.edu
> All electronic mail messages in connection with State business which
> are sent to or received by this account are subject to the NC Public
> Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
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> HMoAn0agLvr+UfjI1akKXsleBWx/AXE0
> =jwfh

"La utopía sirve para caminar" Fernando Birri

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