I fixed the group.  You should be good to go.  If not, bellow again...


On Feb 8, 2007, at 5:50 PM, Nathan Bubna wrote:

I've made some progress with building the site.  I've managed to get
maven (2.0.6-snapshot) to build the web site successfully on my local
machine with the exception of the front page, which appears to be
failing due to the following error:

Caused by: org.apache.maven.doxia.macro.manager.MacroNotFoundException:
Cannot find macro with id = null

I'm hoping to look further into that today or tomorrow if i have time.
I haven't tried deploying the site yet.

In the meantime, i've also noticed that there are a number of folders
in /www/velocity.apache.org/ that do not have velocity group
permissions, so i can't do anything with them.  These are the engine/,
tools/, and dvsl/ folders.  This means i can't add the documentation
for the Tools 1.3 release or the devel/ documentation in their current
location unless Henning checks this and changes the group perms or
someone else with sufficient karma changes them.

Anyone out there got that karma? Geir?  Or does anyone know who i
should talk to?  I'm guessing the infrastructure people, but i thought
i'd ask here first.

The other option would be to change all those locations, but i'd
rather not if it can be helped.

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