Sorry - forgot the smiley :)


On Feb 10, 2007, at 8:04 AM, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

On Feb 9, 2007, at 6:45 PM, Nathan Bubna wrote:

Don't get too excited yet.

So, i gave up on trying to get the site plugin to generate the
index.html page with the news macro.  Instead, i commented out the
news macro and manually added the latest news. So now i have the site
building and running perfectly on machine.

Now i'm caught up trying to deploy the site.  I've added my user/pass
to the server in my M2 settings.xml, but the
site:deploy target is failing rather mysteriously:

[INFO] --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
[INFO] Building Apache Velocity Site
[INFO]    task-segment: [site:deploy]
[INFO] --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
[INFO] [site:deploy]
scpexe:// - Session: Opened
Executing command: ssh -o "BatchMode yes" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"mkdir -p /www/"

Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).

scpexe:// - Session: Disconnecting scpexe:// - Session: Disconnected [INFO] --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
[INFO] --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
[INFO] Error uploading site

Embedded error: Error performing commands for file transfer
Exit code 255 - Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).

[INFO] --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
[INFO] Total time: 16 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Fri Feb 09 14:54:22 PST 2007
[INFO] Final Memory: 6M/12M
[INFO] --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---

I've tried about a dozen different things messing with rsa and dsa
keys, adding/removing my password from settings.xml, and more, but no
luck yet.  I've also tried running the ssh command that is failing,
and it only works if i take out the -o "BatchMode yes" part.

Anyone have any ideas?

svn revert

On 2/9/07, Will Glass-Husain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Good to hear!  Glad we have this as a group capability.


On 2/8/07, Nathan Bubna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've made some progress with building the site. I've managed to get > maven (2.0.6-snapshot) to build the web site successfully on my local
> machine with the exception of the front page, which appears to be
> failing due to the following error:
> Caused by: org.apache.maven.doxia.macro.manager.MacroNotFoundException:
> Cannot find macro with id = null
> I'm hoping to look further into that today or tomorrow if i have time.
>  I haven't tried deploying the site yet.
> In the meantime, i've also noticed that there are a number of folders
> in /www/ that do not have velocity group
> permissions, so i can't do anything with them. These are the engine/, > tools/, and dvsl/ folders. This means i can't add the documentation > for the Tools 1.3 release or the devel/ documentation in their current
> location unless Henning checks this and changes the group perms or
> someone else with sufficient karma changes them.
> Anyone out there got that karma? Geir?  Or does anyone know who i
> should talk to? I'm guessing the infrastructure people, but i thought
> i'd ask here first.
> The other option would be to change all those locations, but i'd
> rather not if it can be helped.
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Forio Business Simulations

Will Glass-Husain

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