Am 2017-01-16 um 15:02 schrieb Claude Brisson:
The Velocity Engine 2.0 RC5 is available.

Main changes since the RC4:

 * the default encoding is now UTF-8 (and not the platform default)
 * commons-collections is not any more a compilation dependency
 * commons-lang3 dependency is not any more shaded
 * the configuration API doesn't use ExtProperties anymore
 * the events API has been reviewed: all events do receive the current
Context as argument

Release notes:




Maven 2 staging repository:


If you have had a chance to review the test build, please respond with a
vote on its quality:

 [ ] Leave at test build
 [ ] Alpha
 [ ] Beta
 [ ] General Availability (GA)

Everyone who has tested the build is invited to vote. Votes by PMC
members are considered binding. A vote passes if there are at least
three binding +1s and more +1s than -1s.

Here are my comments referred in my the previous mail:

* README.txt requires a rewrite, it still talks about Ant, old directory structures, and much more * POM: use of JavaCC Maven Plugin: never ever add auto-generated code to src/, it completely breaks the agreed convention. Have it in target/ and attach the source code with Buildhelper Maven Plugin, if
  the JavaCC Plugin doesn't do it on its own.
* POM: The deletion/creation of the JavaCC parser should rather be a complete profile rather than a hack with properties passed to Ant, if this is necessary at all. I see no difference here to code generation by JAXB's XJC or Modello, etc.
* There are several spots which
** don't use SLF4J's {} placeholder,
** don't use System.lineSeparator() but '\n'
** do a toLowerCase() (e.g., #sameEncoding()) instead of toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
* There is a lot trailing whitespace throughout the code
* Generally, don't use log#isXXXEnabled() because of SLF4J's {} placeholders' foo * There are a few null argument checks which can be better handled with Common Lang's Validate class * StringBuffer is used sometimes where StringBuilder would suffice (w/o synchronization) * Stuff like BUILD_README.txt absolutely do not belong to src/main/java, see second point
* There are some unused imports once in a while
* Rather use maven.compiler.source and properties to avoid duplicate value setting, checkstyle, findbugs, JavaCC, etc. * If a dependency is used several times, e.g. SFL4J, it shall be added to the dep mngt section of the parent POM to avoid repetition of version elements. Hint: this can be done with reactor modules too

There are likely to be more issues I have missed.

What is the benefit of velocity-engine-assembly actually? I know, ages ago Velocity and other software was delivered as a tarball or zip file with all JARs and the rest, including source. I think this is pretty much obsolete now and partially redundant: * Apache Parent already provides predefined descriptors which create a for you, no further work necessary ** is used for release testing/votes, as well as for clients/users who do not want to clone from Git or checkout via Subversion * Binary artifacts are always available on Maven Central, I hardly believe that someone will really download to get the JARs and add them manually somewhere, even if, they can get them from


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