Hi, Weex Team:
       WXTextComponent view crashes intermittently with EXC_BAD_ACCESS 
KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS in drawTextWithContext:bounds:padding:view:
at _drawGlyphsForGlyphRange:atPoint:. This happens rarely, Harder to reproduce 
it locally. It is reported via Crashlytics often enough to be concerning.

Here is simple stack trace:
Crashed: com.taobao.weex.displayQueue

Crashed: com.taobao.weex.displayQueue
0  UIFoundation                   0x195888ed4 _NSGlyphTreeMoveToCharacterIndex 
+ 196
1  UIFoundation                   0x195889fbc 
_NSGlyphTreeGlyphRangeForCharacterRange + 84
2  UIFoundation                   0x19589f1f0 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate) 
_drawGlyphsForGlyphRange:atPoint:] + 4512
I can't reproduce the issue locally, so I don't have a solution. My best guess 
is that NSTextContainer
is being released while being drawn.
Weex SDK version: 0.12.0
Platform: iOS (iOS 10 and up)
Mac OS 10.12.3

Sincerely sheng.

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