What part of the release policy are you specifically referring to?

The main distribution mechanism for Apache Cordova is npm, which
command is mentioned in the "Get started" [1] part of the homepage and
installations instructions [2] of the documentation. Using the source
code is just a fallback, which the "Source Distribution" link probably
takes care of. I am not aware of any complaints from Apache regarding
this to Apache Cordova. The main usage type for users is front and
center, the source code still is available if needed - so I wouldn't
know why this should not be fine.


[1] https://cordova.apache.org/#getstarted
[2] https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/guide/cli/index.html

Am Di., 23. Apr. 2019 um 11:50 Uhr schrieb 申远 <shenyua...@gmail.com>:
> Hi, developers
> After digging into ASF policy [1], it is clear that Weex missing a download
> page which should links to Weex Apache Release. But is there any
> requirement of the format for the download page?
> For example, I found RocketMQ has a specified designed download page [2],
> while Cordova [3] only has a text area called "source distribution" which
> will be redirected to ASF page [4] .
> Are both the download pages valid according to ASFs' policy? No offense,
> but it occured to me that Cordova may probably choose a lazy way.
> [1] https://www.apache.org/legal/release-policy.html
> [2] https://rocketmq.apache.org/dowloading/releases/
> [3] https://cordova.apache.org/
> [4] https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/cordova
> Best Regards,
> YorkShen
> 申远

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