Thanks for your interesting.

First of all, I think Flutter is a great project with some limitation.(e.g. how 
to embed a pre-built native UI library into flutter, like videoView in live 
video streaming, imageView in image library) and I am also interested in 
Flutter similar approach. But at current stage, we are trying our best to solve 
graduation block issues [1] , which means Flutter related approach is not 
priority for now. But if you have more detail of your plan or MVP(minimum 
viable product), I’d like to have a look with you and see what we can do 
together to make things happen.


Best Regards,
York Shen


> 在 2019年9月29日,09:45,chenzefeng <> 写道:
> Hi all:
> I have use weex in production for 2 years, one of  the best things I love 
> about  weex is that it can build nice cross-platform ui.
> Weex sdk does a lot of works to unify the appearance and interactions between 
> different platforms, but always, components ui cannot be 100% identical , or 
> sometimes the adapting codes make a component unpredictable in an edge 
> situation.
> I think use flutter as render is a good solution.
> 1、Great promotion in UI consistency.This could promote weex developing 
> experience a lot.
> 2、Unify renders in Weex sdk of different platforms, so that  weex team can 
> focus on one render, not adapting two different ones.
> I think flutter as render is a trend that cannot be ignored, and some blogs 
> mention that there are tech teams(wechat、metuan etc.)  doing very similar 
> things.
> So, is flutter in our plan?
> Every discussion is welcomed, not just answer.

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