Hi, Community

I'd like to discuss about how we form Weex PMC members after graduation and
I have the following ideas to discuss with you guys:

   - All committers(including PPMC members) we have will form the Weex PMC
   based on "merit doesn't expire" rule.
   - Posting an invitation mail to this mailing list and committers who
   accept the invitation mail by responding yes within 72 hours(maybe more)
   will be the member of Weex PMC.

We will have more PMC members if we choose option 1 and I am really happy
to have all committer as PMC members. But on the other side, it's not a
good idea if we nominate someone as a PMC member without his/her explicit
consent, IMO.

Currently, I am in favour of option 2 as every active committers(including
PPMC members) could be a PMC member by simply replying yes to an invitation

Best Regards,


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