I already sent somthing similar in the other thread, so repeating:
If the editor code is not part of Apache Weex, it should live on its own
Keep the weex.io domain around so old links continue to work, but redirect
the main domain to the Apache Weex site and the editor subdomain to the new
external subdomain.

I am happy to sponsor the cost for weex.io for the first year to whoever
takes over the domain: https://www.domcomp.com/tld/io

ASF does not have to be involved here at all if this is just a user project
for Weex in my opinion, which clearly states this via e.g. "Editor for
Apache Weex". Agree Myrle?


Am Di., 3. Dez. 2019 um 04:11 Uhr schrieb 申远 <shenyua...@gmail.com>:

> Hi, community
> I am going to move discussion [1] of using editor.weex.io to here, which
> will make our discussion more clear.
> Background: http://editor.weex.io is a useful tool for Weex developers,
> however Weex is a trademark of ASF, and using weex in domain name without
> approval of ASF is an violation of ASF's legal right [2], as long as the
> code, server, domain is not controlled by ASF.
> After discussion these days, here are options we have:
>    - Use another domain unrelated to Weex, like *editor.dotwe.org
>    <http://editor.dotwe.org>*
>    - Donate the domain of *editor.weex.io <http://editor.weex.io>* to ASF
>    and have ASF paid the domain name every year [3]. (*Thanks for the help
>    of Myrle and Greg, this could not work without you.*)
>    - Set up a DNS CNAME which connects *editor.weex.apache.org
>    <http://editor.weex.apache.org> *and the server of editor.
> In either case, ASF won't pay for the fee of server, but this is not a
> problem as we are paying it for almost one year.
> If we choose opinion 1 or 3, we'd better still pay for the domain bill each
> year in order to prevent it from misusing by any possible new owners.
> [1]
> https://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/weex-dev/201911.mbox/%3CCAMAfNmEXTMVhN6n%3DPe2wGkJ1zodKa8%3DT_7%3DeQ%2BCPeYuFN-yWpQ%40mail.gmail.com%3E
> [2] http://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/domains.html
> [3] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-19504
> Best Regards,
> YorkShen
> 申远

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