Yeah,i get your mean(For security, i encode js bundle with XXTEA in OSS,
and download/decode js bundle before SDKManager.render() )。
And in fact,broadcastChannel is content with the need of business.
But it not *the best/most easy way to deal with neighbour pages*,especially
the second page will back to the first page with a obj param。(such as:bank
detail page(click the bank) => bank list page(choose a bank) = > back to
bank detail page(with bank info param))

Because of lazy,i wrote an Js API for more convenient in the scene:

/* global Date */
Date.$PUSH_UUID = Date.$PUSH_UUID || 0

function $push(path, params, callback) {
    const isWeexPage = path.indexOf('weex/page/') >= 0
    const hasCallback = typeof callback === 'function'

    if (!isWeexPage && hasCallback) {
        log('Warning', 'Only pushing to a Weex page support a callback!')

    const puuid = (isWeexPage && hasCallback) ? (++Date.$PUSH_UUID) :
    const finalUrl = url.join(toLink(path, DefaultScheme), params, puuid ?
{ puuid } : undefined)

    if (puuid) {
        Date.$PUSH_CALLBACK_CENTER[puuid] = callback
        this.$on('hook:destroyed', () => Date.$PUSH_CALLBACK_CENTER[puuid]
= undefined)

function $pop(v) {
    const root = getRootVM(this)
    const puuid = root.params.puuid
    if (puuid) {
        const callback = Date.$PUSH_CALLBACK_CENTER[puuid]
        Date.$PUSH_CALLBACK_CENTER[puuid] = undefined
        if( typeof callback === 'function')  callback(v)

it is useful and very convenient。
A=>B : $push(url, params, (v)=>{ //do callback  })
B=>A:  $pop(obj)
Then the callback(from A) will invoke with obj(from B).
*The only premise is the Date is a global object in Js Environment for each
weex instance。*

申远 <> 于2020年3月2日周一 下午11:33写道:

> Well, It seems like you could use broadcastChannel [1] to send message (not
> callback) among pages. If this is not enough, you have to use low level C++
> api to implement it by yourself, which is hard to write and not encouraged.
> A message among pages is not enough in your case? I'd like to here the
> detail.
> FYI: Apache Weex excludes global JS object for security reasons. A
> malicious hacker could inject a JS snippet containing dangerous function
> just by loading his URL in Weex. If global JS object is supported, it's
> very easy for you to excute the JS function provided by malicious hacker in
> your page. That's reason we design Sandbox. And I'd encourage every
> developer keeping if for security reason.
> [1]
> Best Regards,
> YorkShen
> 申远
> 黄天宁 <> 于2020年2月28日周五 上午10:17写道:
> > OK, i get it. Thanks!
> > But it is a shame. Both ways are not enough for me. (first is not
> > suitable,second can not save JS callbacks in Native)
> > I want a global object in JS, none of Native business.
> > I use a way like Eventbus for communication between neighbour pages
> > instead.
> >
> > Before Sandbox,I realize an api for *neighbour pages*:
> >
> > pagaA push to pagaB witch a  *callback((v)=>{})* and *increased pushId*,
> > pushId && callback both saved in *global* *Date().$CALLBACKS/*
> > *Date().$PUSHID.*
> > pageB get *pushId* from params. When pageB *pop(v)*, *search callback by
> > pushId* in global Date().$CALLBACKS.Then inoke *callbakc(v).*
> >
> > It is a very useful api , and  the scene is frequent in business
> > for neighbour pages, which need  pageA invoke callback after back from
> > pageB with params.
> >
> > By the way,I find a terrible bug in Jsfm in Android。And i try to find the
> > reason and solve it
> > When the type of *inputValue * is *number,*, which *bind with* Component
> > <input>  *property value*。*Precision problem* will happen to*
> inputValue* .
> > For example, input 2.5 will show 2.50000, if change *inputValue* to
> > *string*,
> > the error disappear.
> > The behaviour in IOS is all right.
> >
> >
> > 申远 <> 于2020年2月27日周四 下午5:49写道:
> >
> > > The answer is no, and you should never consider using Weex without
> > sandbox.
> > >
> > > You could however,
> > > 1. use boradcastChannel [1] for communication between pages
> > > 2. or use JS service [2] for vendor.js, which is very similar to global
> > > object.
> > >
> > > [1]
> > > [2]
> > >
> > > Best Regards,
> > > YorkShen
> > >
> > > 申远
> > >
> > >
> > > 黄天宁 <> 于2020年2月25日周二 下午4:16写道:
> > >
> > > > Dear devs:
> > > >      I'm sorry to disturb you about a question about SandBox in both
> > > > aos/ios.
> > > >      In some case, developer need a global Object to save/share
> > something
> > > > for different pages with JS callback,which can not save to Native
> > > > SharedPreference.
> > > >      *1.In sandBox mode, is there a global Object for mounting?*(It
> > looks
> > > > none,  from the doc on website :
> > > >   *In particular, the Vue variable are different in each pages, and
> > even
> > > > the "global" config of Vue ( only affect the single
> page
> > > on
> > > > Weex.*
> > > >
> > > >      Android SDK can switch to  *unuse sandbox mode*, but IOS SDK
> looks
> > > > none.
> > > >      *2.IOS is not just like Android,which is without the selection
> > > > of isSandBox.*
> > > >      Little understand in C++ sandBox. If you have free time,give me
> > some
> > > > pointers,plz.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks!
> > > >
> > >
> >

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