The https service at whimsy.apache.org (whimsy.apache.org (https)) has been 
reported as down by our monitoring system:

Component:  response
Error code: Internal Server Error or equivalent bad message received: HTTP/1.1 
400 public_json ldap-people "2016-03-29 09:04:08 +0000 
[ldap2-us-west.apache.org:636] => #<LDAP::ResultError: Time limit exceeded> for 
ldapsearch -x -LLL -b ou=people,dc=apache,dc=org -s one 
 cn loginShell asf-personalURL createTimestamp modifyTimestamp uid, retrying 
Debug output:
[Tue Mar 29 09:06:24 2016]: Initialising socket
[Tue Mar 29 09:06:24 2016]: Looking up hostname whimsy.apache.org...
[Tue Mar 29 09:06:24 2016]: Connecting to
[Tue Mar 29 09:06:25 2016]: Connected, sending HTTPS payload.
[Tue Mar 29 09:06:25 2016]: Reading response header from server
[Tue Mar 29 09:06:25 2016]: Caught exception: Internal Server Error or 
equivalent bad message received: HTTP/1.1 400 public_json ldap-people 
"2016-03-29 09:04:08 +0000 [ldap2-us-west.apache.org:636] => 
#<LDAP::ResultError: Time limit exceeded> for ldapsearch -x -LLL -b 
ou=people,dc=apache,dc=org -s one 
 cn loginShell asf-personalURL createTimestamp modifyTimestamp uid, retrying 


With regards,
Ping My Box - https://www.pingmybox.com/

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