Looks like there is agreement with infra that accounts that were created and 
now there is no icla on file should be disabled. 

I've asked infra to disable a number of these accounts and I've updated 
iclas.txt to indicate that they are disabled.

If/when the committers show up, it's easy enough to file their iclas and get 
them back to commit status.


> On Apr 16, 2017, at 11:46 AM, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 15 April 2017 at 16:30, Sam Ruby <ru...@intertwingly.net> wrote:
>> On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 11:21 AM, Craig Russell <papa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> So how do we handle this?
>>> We need to remove the iclas.txt entry for edalquist, which I can do 
>>> manually. We also need to remove the LDAP entry, which I do not even know 
>>> how to do.
>> Sebb would argue that the ID should be disabled, not removed.
> Yes, because otherwise the id might be reallocated to someone else.
> Also we might lose details of code commits.
>> Whether
>> it is disabling or removing, currently this authority is reserved by
>> the infrastructure team to themselves.  What could be done is a delete
>> account request, much like we currently have a create account request.
> I think deletion is too strong unless it can be shown that the id has
> never been used for a CVS/SVN/Git commit.
>> Should the ID be removed, it would also need to be removed from each
>> group that this individual is a member of:
>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__whimsy.apache.org_roster_committer_edalquist&d=DwIFaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=DKWhdZdh69Kb6XA85A6vmYASgWIRD5RAywexyAJQArI&m=u29WDved3LSsHM8E1RYtvELY463RxF5Lehe_Xi8C1zc&s=P21mBvHTRxHD8i--NFC7vNrm4TvhTc6Gf81QpxiiINM&e=
> +1
>>> Is there a chance we can add a button to the icla-lint whimsy page to do 
>>> both of these?
>> I generally shy away from writing code that I don't have the karma to test.  
>> :-)
>>> Craig
>> - Sam Ruby
>>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>> From: Eric Dalquist <eric.dalqu...@gmail.com>
>>>> Subject: Re: Your Apache ICLA has gone missing
>>>> Date: April 15, 2017 at 8:15:30 AM PDT
>>>> To: Craig Russell <papa...@gmail.com>, edalqu...@apache.org
>>>> Cc: Secretary <secret...@apache.org>
>>>> Thanks for letting me know. Unfortunately my current situation prevents me 
>>>> from submitting an ICLA so I should likely be removed as an eligible 
>>>> Apache committer for now.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> -Eric Dalquist
>>>> On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 8:09 AM Craig Russell <papa...@gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:papa...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Eric Dalquist,
>>>> We are reviewing our records to be sure that all submitted ICLAs are on 
>>>> file.
>>>> Unfortunately, we are unable to locate the ICLA that you submitted earlier.
>>>> Can you please resubmit to secret...@apache.org 
>>>> <mailto:secret...@apache.org>? 
>>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__apache.org_licenses_-23submitting&d=DwIFaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=DKWhdZdh69Kb6XA85A6vmYASgWIRD5RAywexyAJQArI&m=u29WDved3LSsHM8E1RYtvELY463RxF5Lehe_Xi8C1zc&s=0x9hY6QUQlsexxFxnFpmkY0MM1ALXTbH1HTk94PXuFY&e=
>>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__apache.org_licenses_-23submitting&d=DwMFaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=DKWhdZdh69Kb6XA85A6vmYASgWIRD5RAywexyAJQArI&m=ux3tHihuCCkiz48S9ntTUkM55kdbks51xGLci9BV9jw&s=rMdo3YF1y7PZuxB8_IJVltobKCdVsLlgK1LJCawY5G4&e=>
>>>> Please do *not* use an apache email as your E-Mail address.
>>>> You can send the original ICLA (if the email address is still valid) or a 
>>>> new one.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Craig L Russell
>>>> Secretary, Apache Software Foundation
>>>> c...@apache.org <mailto:c...@apache.org> 
>>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__db.apache.org_jdo&d=DwIFaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=DKWhdZdh69Kb6XA85A6vmYASgWIRD5RAywexyAJQArI&m=u29WDved3LSsHM8E1RYtvELY463RxF5Lehe_Xi8C1zc&s=hyS7i2_csMmPtIcRUOZ0bB56UYCJyFzSeY5mhiI-JkY&e=
>>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__db.apache.org_jdo&d=DwMFaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=DKWhdZdh69Kb6XA85A6vmYASgWIRD5RAywexyAJQArI&m=ux3tHihuCCkiz48S9ntTUkM55kdbks51xGLci9BV9jw&s=YNHLP9PeZuNSLcz9KJiQr9USF3hSwHt-eYrKr89zhl8&e=>
>>> Craig L Russell
>>> Secretary, Apache Software Foundation
>>> c...@apache.org <mailto:c...@apache.org> 
>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__db.apache.org_jdo&d=DwIFaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=DKWhdZdh69Kb6XA85A6vmYASgWIRD5RAywexyAJQArI&m=u29WDved3LSsHM8E1RYtvELY463RxF5Lehe_Xi8C1zc&s=hyS7i2_csMmPtIcRUOZ0bB56UYCJyFzSeY5mhiI-JkY&e=
>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__db.apache.org_jdo&d=DwIFaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=DKWhdZdh69Kb6XA85A6vmYASgWIRD5RAywexyAJQArI&m=u29WDved3LSsHM8E1RYtvELY463RxF5Lehe_Xi8C1zc&s=hyS7i2_csMmPtIcRUOZ0bB56UYCJyFzSeY5mhiI-JkY&e=
>>>  >

Craig L Russell
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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