Well, personally I would, but its not always possible its still beta(some customer wont run beta software). A lot of fixes has been made since 1.2.6. Upgrading our application took 3 man days, not so much the application code but rather the tests we wrote, we ran into the redirector bug, which has now been reopened. But other than that theres lots of new features that will help you alot on the way. Also performance wise I think it got better.. Also theres a guide on the wiki telling what should be upgraded and how.


regards Nino

dtoffe wrote:

Nino.Martinez wrote:
I know. I think it should be possible, but not sure, you could take a look at Datepicker.. The IHeaderResponse are only used for adding a
javascript reference, and adding some actual javascript, but I am also
doing this in onRender you could maybe do the other stuff here aswell(not
the adding of javascript reference)?

    On a second thought, would you recommend to move entirely to Wicket 1.3
?  I know it's beta 3, and that beta 4 is almost out, so it's not likely it
will differ too much when released, but I've taken a look comparing what
classes are where between 1.2.6 and 1.3 and it seems there has been a lot of
changes and migrating would take a while and some efforts.
    We have just started with Wicket and don't have a huge codebase to
migrate from 1.2.6, should we consider a beter option to start with 1.3 now



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