
if a page is mounted and at the same time used as the page-expired page,
it doesn't use the mount but rather the url of the expired page, because we
don't call RequestCycle#setRedirect.
also see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-958


1) keep the current behavior -> ignore mounted PageExpiredErrorPageClass (
redirect == false)

2) always redirect to the pageExpired page:
the only change needed is to call RequestCycle.get().setRedirect(true)
before throwing the exception.
drawback: if page-expired page is not mounted, you get the
?wicket:bookmarkablePage... url,
in which case it's not any better than the original url.

3) only redirect when the page-expired page is mounted:
seems to be the best solution, because the (wicket) user cared enough to
mount the page-expired page,
so the original url is probably disposable anyway.

a tiny setup showed that 3) works and should not cause any problems.

is there anything i could've forgotten to take into consideration?

thanks for bearing with me and your feedback :)


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