Bruno Borges wrote:
I'd like to suggest to turn into a front door for all
kind of Wicket information. Link to Wicket Stuff, tutorials, mailing list,
Apache's website, etc.

With all respect, I completely disagree with this suggestion. ;-)

We most certainly do not want to fracture things into two web sites which will get out of sync, require two sets of news postings, have duplicate information that will potentially conflict, etc. etc.

Having lots of different URLs and sites is very confusing for new users. Witness the old wiki getting out of date and confusing people.

The only thing we need to put on secondary sites are:
1) The wiki.
2) Stuff that's not ASF-license compatible (wicketstuff).

Err, I think that's it. is, and should continue to be, the "front door".
It already has all the links that you mention. If you don't think it's good enough at doing that job, feedback is welcome.

Regarding what we should therefore do with, I vote we just let it lapse. One fewer thing to manage and worry about.



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