
>that doesnt really help much as it only works for that one compnent
class. it is much nicer to have one global solution such as
>MyApplication.get(). but thats just my two cents.
>>On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 1:15 PM, Stefan Lindner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Why is the Component's getApplication method final? In formwer Wicket

>> versions I could have
>>        class MyApplication extends Application.....
>>        class MyComponent {
>>                public MyApplication getApplication() {
>>                        return
>>                }
>>        }
>> This made life a bit easier.
>> Stefan

That might be your "two cents", but is there a real reason why
getApplicationis final? :-)
We have a lot of generic Pages like

        public abstract class VWebPage<T, A extends Application, S
extends Session> extends WebPage<T> {
                public A getMyApplication() {
                        return (A)(super.getApplication());

and application pages like

        public abstract class MyAppsWebPage<T> extends VWebPage<T,
MyApplication, MySession>{

                public MyAppsWebPage() {

                public MyAppsWebPage(final IModel<T> model) {

A concrete Page or an Application then is

        public class MyRealPage extends MyAppsWebPage<MyClass> {


This might not be Wicket's intended way to use getApplication But is
there a real serious reason to make getApplication final? Which problem
so I run into when I use this pattern?


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