> It was featured at the Wicket meetup in november last year, the slides
> are available here:
> http://www.slideshare.net/dashorst/wicket-live-on-stage
> It is an application specific for dutch educational institutions
> tailored to the Dutch laws, so
> there is little  value in international documentation. If you can read
> dutch (German is just
> dutch with an accent :), you can take a  look at:
> http://vocuslis.nl/
> Another good example of a complex, scalable website built with Wicket
> is teachscape (Eelco,
> Igor and Matej work/have worked there). It handles much more users
> than Vocus, and is also
> a complex beast. More information here:
> http://teachscape.com
> Martijn

thanks for your information.. the will help a lot. :)

Michael Mosmann

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