i was simply talking about technical merits of the two tools. the nice
thing about nexus is that it is all file based so version upgrades are
easier, supposedly.

i dont follow the politics as much as you i guess. i dont care which
one we choose as long as it is easy to use.


On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 9:54 AM, Martijn Dashorst
<martijn.dasho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The major disadvantage of Nexus is the marketing done by Sonatype
> employes who are also Maven core committers and PMC members. It feels
> like a constant attack against Artifactory by the Nexus developers
> Two incidents come to mind: a bug in Artifactory caused heavy traffic
> on the central repo. This was traced by a sonatype employee who also
> works on maven project (and is pmc member). He reported the issue,
> blocked access to the central repo for artifactory users and in the
> same message sent out to the whole maven community did an infomercial
> for nexus.
> The second is the recent, rather aggressive post on migrating from
> artifactory to nexus, also published by a Maven PMC member and
> committer.
> I hate this type of marketing, and that alone makes me cringe to use nexus.
> Martijn
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 5:42 PM, Erik van Oosten <e.vanoos...@grons.nl> wrote:
>> I have heard good news from both Nexus (2nd hand) and Artifactory (1st
>> hand).
>> The only disadvantage of Artifactory is that it uses more memory which can
>> be a problem on virtual machines.
>> Regards,
>>   Erik.
>> Igor Vaynberg wrote:
>>> we use nexus here and im pretty happy with it. its simple if nothing else.
>>> -igor
>> --
>> Erik van Oosten
>> http://www.day-to-day-stuff.blogspot.com/
> --
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