Hi joe,

> much like i think ur code
> is,u r working around the problem  ,

yes.. sure...

>  i think that this is not the natural
> way of doing things , u have a double indirection , an interface thet return
> another interface which contain the component ,WHY???

because in java you can not have multi-inheritance .. if you have a
factory for creating some stuff with your own baseclass the only way to
get the resulting component is an interface.. i know, it is a special
use case ..

> my real problem is not making something work, no , i have a working code
> but i am talking about different thing here , it is about HOW thing
> naturally work in an OO fashion , without any unnecessary nesting
> nesting involve making the reusable MasterDetailPanel and its component
> authers agree on string is which is error prone

ok, i missed this point.. sure, my way is only a "work around", .. 
maybe scala is a better base for clean OO fashioned jvm development.. 

.. not so helpful as i hoped.. :)


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