I use the same technique (WebMarkupContainer + isTransparentResolver=true)
on the <body> element to add an id attribute to it, with a unique value for
each page extending the base template. This is useful to build unique CSS
selectors for each page.

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Erik van Oosten <e.vanoos...@grons.nl>wrote:

> I want to set the 'xml:lang' and 'lang' attributes on the <html> tag. So I
> couple a WebMarkupContainer (that has isTransparentResolver overriden to
> return true) to the html tag on the base page of my projects. Then I simply
> add an AttributeModifier to it.
> I do it this way so that subclasses of the base page can simple use 'add'
> and don't have to do something like 'super.getParentContainer().add'.
> I did /not/ develop a filter/resolver.
> Regards,
>    Erik.
> Juergen Donnerstag wrote:
>> Hi Erik
>> may I ask what you need it for in your project? Did you develop your
>> own markup filter/resolver?
>> Juergen
> --
> Erik van Oosten
> http://day-to-day-stuff.blogspot.com/

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