this vote is to release wicket  1.4.6

this maintenance release brings over 40 bug fixes and improvements.


(currently uploading...)

(and below)

vote ends Friday 12am gmt-8

thank you.


Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.6

** Sub-task
    * [WICKET-2678] -  isEnabled called in AjaxRequestTarget for
Behaviors even if component is not Visible in hierarchy

** Bug
    * [WICKET-1825] - url-escaping is not undone for requestcodingstrategy
    * [WICKET-2312] - RequestUtils.toAbsolutePath() not output
hostname and url-pattern in AJAX
    * [WICKET-2567] - Images and stylesheets leave open file handles
    * [WICKET-2616] - BaseWicketTester chooses a disabled component as
the source of an AjaxFormSubmit event
    * [WICKET-2619] - wicket should handle Enums like other primitives
when injecting them.
    * [WICKET-2620] - DataTable generates two <thead wicket:id="topToolbars">
    * [WICKET-2624] - MethodGetAndSet.setValue uses wrong source to
determine which type to convert to when there's no setter
    * [WICKET-2629] - HttpsRequestCycleProcessor causes HttpSession to
be created
    * [WICKET-2630] - MockHttpServletResponse doesn't delete cookies
    * [WICKET-2633] - AjaxEditableLabel fails to focus editor upon
validation errors
    * [WICKET-2635] - Sucessfull login on SignInPanel causes HomePage
to become stateful
    * [WICKET-2638] - Form.isMultipart() doesn't check
FormComponent.isMultipart() on nested components
    * [WICKET-2639] - More pages missing xml prolog
    * [WICKET-2641] - EnumLabel misbehaves with anonymous enum
    * [WICKET-2645] - Resources aren't gziped by default
    * [WICKET-2647] - InspectorPage (from devutils) is stateful for no
valid reason
    * [WICKET-2650] - Consistently create body for short tags.
    * [WICKET-2655] - WicketTester javadocs are referring in many
places to a component's path but it's not documented anywhere
    * [WICKET-2666] - ConvererLocator.convertToString discards
original cause of conversion failure
    * [WICKET-2667] - When multipart on form is set to true,
setResponsePage() doesnt work
    * [WICKET-2668] - UploadProgressBar component can't be removed or
replaced easily
    * [WICKET-2669] - DataTable mutiple bottom toolbars are misplaced
because of bad html
    * [WICKET-2671] - Enclosure causes Nullpointer exception
    * [WICKET-2672] - FormComponent doesn't properly handle array model types
    * [WICKET-2675] - CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy fails in form
with method="get"
    * [WICKET-2679] - checkRendering() throws Exception if
TransparentResolver is invisible
    * [WICKET-2685] - MixedParamsUrlCodingStrategy ,classcastexception
from Long to String
    * [WICKET-2686] - CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy fails in form
with method="get" - 1.5
    * [WICKET-2692] - DropDownChoice value may be lost after ajax submit call

** Improvement
    * [WICKET-2591] - Allow subclasses of AuthenticatedWebSession to
set "signedIn" field
    * [WICKET-2626] - Make DatePicker on DateTimeField overrideable
    * [WICKET-2628] - SerializingObjectSizeOfStrategy should warn when
unable to serialize the object
    * [WICKET-2637] - Lithuanian translation for the
    * [WICKET-2642] - Russian translation of SignInPage/SignInPanel
    * [WICKET-2644] - Hungarian translation for wizard
    * [WICKET-2646] - Better error reporting from StatelessChecker
    * [WICKET-2649] - Make SignInPage stateless
    * [WICKET-2653] - Make GoAndClearFilter.defaultClearModel and
GoFilter.defaultGoModel internationalizable
    * [WICKET-2656] - Ability to add CSS style to table body in DataTable
    * [WICKET-2664] - CheckBoxMultipleChoice should use isEnabledInHierarchy()
    * [WICKET-2673] - TabbedPanel not generic
    * [WICKET-2682] - Maven 3 produces various warnings

** Task
    * [WICKET-2670] - Remove deprecated API calls from wicket-extensions

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