Dear Developers,

I am working for a very, very, very large global retailer and we are
about to roll out a very high-volume mobile application using Wicket. 

In order to support some of the requirements we have I have been working
on adding a few more stateless components to Wicket. As one example, I
added a StatelessAjaxFailbankLink. I also added a StatelessLink that
works better for our app. The code is APL2 licensed and available at  together
with  demo application.

The demo works perfectly, when clicking on the link the first time. The
second time it does not. The reason for this problem is that
AjaxRequestTarget#respondComponent(Response, String, Component) method
calls Component#setOutputMarkupId(boolean) with a value of true.

I looked for quite a while but I have not found a way to override this
behavior anywhere. I would greatly appreciate it, if somebody could
suggest an approach or if somebody could suggest how to remove this line
from the AjaxRequestTarget in a future version of the wicket code.
Removing the line should be side-effect free as, in cases this line is
actually used, this setting is verified earlier in the code. 

Best regards,


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