The javadoc for Component.getMarkup() and
MarkupContainer.getMarkup(Component child) might give you a hint.
Unfortunately I have very little time this weekend. In general,
instead of setting the markup, components shall subclass getMarkup()
or getMarkup(Component) and provide the markup. Compared to 1.4 it
doesn't matter where it come from and you don't need to reset it like
the MarkupStream. You can manually create it, get it from a file,
search the parent markup, whatever.

You may take a look at ListView and Item


On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 5:18 PM, Martin Grigorov <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to upgrade wicketstuff-inmethod-grid to Wicket 1.5:
> Making it compiling was easy. Now there is one problem (on two places) - the
> code uses some advanced technics to write the markup by using
> component.render(MarkupStream).
> In Wicket 1.5 the code related to MarkupStream and co. is improved/changed
> and I have hard time to understand how to upgrade this stuff.
> The first place with this problem is at:
> com.inmethod.grid.common.ColumnsHeaderRepeater.onRender(). There to make it
> work I added:
>   component.setMarkup(getParent().getParent().getMarkup());    // this
> doesn't look correct
>   component.render();
> The second place is com.inmethod.grid.common.AbstractGridRow.onRender().
> Here I almost cheated it by using:
>   IMarkupFragment associatedMarkup = ((MarkupContainer)
> component).getAssociatedMarkup();
>   component.setMarkup(associatedMarkup);
>   component.render();
> but it is still failing.
> Anyone (Juergen, Matej) has idea how to deal with this ?
> martin-g
> P.S. the 1.4 version of the code can be found at

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