
I have a private jenkins server running with my oss.sonatype credentials that is polling @hourly and building the 1.4-SNAPSHOT and 1.5-SNAPSHOT releases (the project setup is a replica of the wicketstuff.org/hudson server).

I don't know what the current build exception on wicketstuff.org/hudson means or how to fix it. I only have access as an admin within jenkins but the git problems may need real admin access. It was just easier to setup my own server then have to keep bugging the wicketstuff.org system admins. But the downside is that no one else can see the build logs.

I am working on a jenkins authentication plugin that would delegate to github and automatically let committers execute builds but it is not ready yet.


I've been learning the OAuth protocol but haven't actually started that part of the implementation yet. I got a little sidetracked learning OAuth version 1 only to find out github only supports version 2.

Once this is ready I would open up access on my server to the other wicketstuff developers.



I don't know about other public wicketstuff related CI server.
In my experience wicketstuff hudson/jenkins was broken for most of the time
during this year.
Currently it seems it can not connect to the remote github repository (could
be dns related, it had problems with that in the past).


2011/7/3 Harald Wellmann<harald.wellm...@gmx.de>

It isn't easy to find the link to Wicketstuff Jenkins:

This is the one I'm looking at:

The jobs on this server haven't run for 2 months or so.

Has Jenkins moved somewhere else? Or if not, why not simply reenable
automatic builds...?


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