
On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 5:08 PM, Sebastien <> wrote:
> Hi again... (and sorry again)
> This time it is a real issue I am facing with the 1.5.6 build 2 (whereas it
> was working using 1.5.5).
> To sum up, the issue is related to an http-post, where a required text
> field is sent through a form by a javascript 'submit' command, which
> command has been transmitted to the client side via an ajax-behavior, and
> iif the validation has failed at the very first try. In that case, the
> behavior's script transmitted to the client seems to not be executed (the
> page is immediately re-rendered after the "Invoking pre-call handler(s)..."
> step). Despite the research I made on revolved issues for 1.5.6, I did not
> find any related issue that may cause this one.
> I have prepared a quickstart (and more infos about the use case) in case
> you want to look at this...
> Just tell me where I have to send/post it.
> Thanks and best regards,
> Sebastien.

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