This vote is canceled due to this potential problem.

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 10:19 AM, Martin Grigorov <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not able so far to reproduce the problem. I tried with
> wicket-examples, our app and wicket-jquery-ui examples.
> But I see how this can happen!
> The new inversed index should be in sync with the normal index all the
> time, i.e. when the normal is null the inversed is null too.
> But there is no synchronization in this code!
> There is a PageWindowManager per http session so there is a chance for
> a concurrency problem when different concurrent requests work with
> different page instances.
> We need ConcurrentBiMap or some synchronizations around the place...
> On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 10:06 PM, Martin Grigorov <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Sebastien,
>> This looks like a problem in the new code I added in PageWindowManager.
>> Thanks for the report!
>> I'll check it tomorrow and if there really is a problem then I'll
>> restart the release procedure.
>> On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 9:59 PM, Sebastien <> wrote:
>>> Dear Wicket Team,
>>> I've got a silent NPE with the 1.5.7. with tomcat running under eclipse. It
>>> occurs only once, on the "first" page being accessed (in fact it is not
>>> really the first accessed page, because it does not occurs on every pages.
>>> But, when it  occurs, it is only one time but always for the same pages. At
>>> least for the exception bellow.
>>> I also had a bigger stack trace which happens every time on every
>>> "impacted" pages. I unfortunately cannot give you the stack trace as I do
>>> not know how to repro (maybe multiple hot-deploy, I don't know). But I saw
>>> in the NPE that the exception came from the same line (at
>>> org.apache.wicket.pageStore.PageWindowManager.putWindowIndex(
>>> It does not repro while using embedded jetty.
>>> ********************************************************************
>>> *** WARNING: Wicket is running in DEVELOPMENT mode.              ***
>>> ***                               ^^^^^^^^^^^                    ***
>>> *** Do NOT deploy to your live server(s) without changing this.  ***
>>> *** See Application#getConfigurationType() for more information. ***
>>> ********************************************************************
>>> May 29, 2012 8:38:02 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start
>>> INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-bio-8080"]
>>> May 29, 2012 8:38:02 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start
>>> INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["ajp-bio-8009"]
>>> May 29, 2012 8:38:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
>>> INFO: Server startup in 4853 ms
>>> INFO  - PropertiesFactory          - Loading properties files from
>>> file:/home/sebastien/Java/apache-tomcat-7.0.23/webapps/jquery-ui-samples/WEB-INF/classes/com/googlecode/wicket/jquery/ui/samples/
>>> with loader
>>> org.apache.wicket.resource.IsoPropertiesFilePropertiesLoader@889ec59
>>> Exception in thread "Wicket-PageSavingThread" java.lang.NullPointerException
>>>    at
>>> org.apache.wicket.pageStore.PageWindowManager.putWindowIndex(
>>>    at
>>> org.apache.wicket.pageStore.PageWindowManager.createPageWindow(
>>>    at
>>> org.apache.wicket.pageStore.DiskDataStore$SessionEntry.savePage(
>>>    at
>>> org.apache.wicket.pageStore.DiskDataStore.storeData(
>>>    at
>>> org.apache.wicket.pageStore.AsynchronousDataStore$
>>>    at
>>> As usual, I do not exclude that I may have done something bad, but just in
>>> case...
>>> Best regards,
>>> Sebastien.
>> --
>> Martin Grigorov
>> jWeekend
>> Training, Consulting, Development
> --
> Martin Grigorov
> jWeekend
> Training, Consulting, Development

Martin Grigorov
Training, Consulting, Development

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