On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 10:45 PM, Sven Meier <s...@meiers.net> wrote:
>> this will make more advanced developer more unconfortable
> I hear that ;).
> Jeremy gave a good suggestion: "set up some kind of code-check"

Well this is an option but again it makes more advanced developers not
feeling comfortable.
For example: recently I had to suppress such CheckStyle check for the
usage of PageParameters#add() in our app because a colleague of mine
earlier had a bug with getPageParameters().add() and use this
parameters for the generation of a new Url. The side effect was that
after that call the current page instance had few more parameters and
this leaded to the bug.
In my case I really wanted to use #add() because I wanted to add
several values. A perfectly valid case.
So now we have: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-4774

Here is another suggestion for the archives :-)

trait Advanced { self: Component =>

  def setDefaultModel(model: IModel) { ... }

val myComponent = new Label(id, text) with Advanced

without "with Advanced" you wont be able to see #setDefaultModel
(assuming that it is removed from Component API)

> Sven
> On 09/27/2012 09:38 PM, Martin Grigorov wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 10:29 PM, Sven Meier <s...@meiers.net> wrote:
>>>> lets take a concrete example of FormComponent ... your thinking we would
>>>> have to make
>>>> both setDefaultModel and setModel methods protected
>>> Nope, I just ruminated about making setDefaultModel protected.
>>>> a common subclass of FormComponent is FormComponentPanel which pretty
>>>> much always distributes its model.
>>> In my experience FormComponentPanels are often highly specialized
>>> components
>>> developed by senior developers. Perhaps there are a handful of these in a
>>> project, most other cases are just nested panels.
>>>> in the end, the developer has to know what the method
>>>> does if they chose to call it.
>>> Agreed.
>>> Just one little nitpick: In my scenario it's two developers, one who has
>>> to
>>> safeguard against another developer calling a method he isn't suppose to
>>> call.
>> I think Michael Mossman is in the same situation.
>> And I understand what you see as an improvement that will protect the
>> average developer.
>> But I don't like that:
>> - this change will lead to an inconsistent API - setDefaultModel() and
>> seModel() are basically the same method. Just #setModel() has some
>> help from the compiler
>> - this will make more advanced developer more unconfortable - he has
>> to extend the component just to make the method public to be able to
>> use it for his needs. And sooner or later every average developer
>> becomes advanced...
>>> Sven
>>> On 09/27/2012 08:59 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 10:49 AM, Sven Meier <s...@meiers.net> wrote:
>>>>> We're discussing the case where a component distributes its model to
>>>>> its
>>>>> children or behaviors.
>>>>> For the component developer it's easier to assume that the model can't
>>>>> be
>>>>> changed without its consensus (i.e. by offering a generic #setModel()).
>>>>> Of course this can be handled perfectly by a coding guideline. I always
>>>>> tell
>>>>> people to *never* change a component's model.
>>>>> I cannot count times where I'm called to a developer's IDE with him
>>>>> having
>>>>> absolutely no clue why something entered here doesn't display over
>>>>> there:
>>>>> In
>>>>> many cases this is caused by setting models.
>>>>> But a protected #setDefaultModelObject() would make this explicit in
>>>>> the
>>>>> API.
>>>> ok. lets start with a bit of history to have more context.
>>>> setDefaultModel() only exists because of type-erasure. before wicket
>>>> supported generics all components had a public setModel() method. so,
>>>> one might say that having a public setModel() is "the wicket way"
>>>> because it was there since 1.0. just to establish the baseline.
>>>> lets take a concrete example of FormComponent. right now it has a
>>>> public setModel() method, but by your thinking we would have to make
>>>> both setDefaultModel and setModel methods protected, because we do not
>>>> know that all FormComponents support changing the model. after all, a
>>>> common subclass of FormComponent is FormComponentPanel which pretty
>>>> much always distributes its model. so, we leave it to subclasses of
>>>> FormComponent and FormComponentPanel to decide whether or not to
>>>> override setModel() to make it public.
>>>> a TextField would make its setModel() public - because it properly
>>>> handles the usecase, correct? so it is still possible for your
>>>> developers to call setModel() on a textfield and rewire it so it no
>>>> longer links with a model of another component correctly.
>>>> so we are now back to square one with the addition that a lot of
>>>> components have to override setModel() just to change its visibility
>>>> from protected to public - introducing a lot of noise.
>>>> im all for making the code better, but i do not think that this change
>>>> does. in the end, the developer has to know what the method does if
>>>> they chose to call it.
>>>> -igor
>>>>> Sven
>>>>> On 09/27/2012 07:09 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
>>>>>> i thought the issue we were discussing here is the way the models are
>>>>>> linked...which is not solved by making setdefaultmodelobject
>>>>>> non-public.
>>>>>> -igor
>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Sven Meier <s...@meiers.net> wrote:
>>>>>>> If you extend GenericPanel you inherit setModel() and getModel(),
>>>>>>> that's
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> whole purpose of this base class.
>>>>>>> You want these two methods, otherwise you wouldn't extend it -
>>>>>>> there's
>>>>>>> nothing to fix.
>>>>>>> Component#setDefaultModel() is dangerous because it allows others to
>>>>>>> tinker
>>>>>>> with your component innards.
>>>>>>> I still think limiting access to #setDefaultModel() is a good idea,
>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>> is no crucial issue anyway.
>>>>>>> Sven
>>>>>>> On 09/27/2012 06:16 PM, Michael Mosmann wrote:
>>>>>>>> Am 27.09.2012 17:51, schrieb Igor Vaynberg:
>>>>>>>> good point..
>>>>>>>> -1 from me.. thought it was a good idea, but wasn’t
>>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>>>> so what happens if panel A extends GenericPanel which has setModel?
>>>>>>>>> you havent fixed anything.
>>>>>>>>> -igor
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 8:50 AM, Michael Mosmann
>>>>>>>>> <mich...@mosmann.de>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Am 27.09.2012 17:32, schrieb Igor Vaynberg:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> .. i would leave setModel as it is, only make this change for
>>>>>>>>>> Component.setDefaultModel().
>>>>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>>>>>> -1 on changing setDefaultModel().
>>>>>>>>>>> 1) if B panel's model is truly dependent on A's then that
>>>>>>>>>>> dependency
>>>>>>>>>>> should be expressed:
>>>>>>>>>>> add(new BPanel("b", new PropertyModel(this, "defaultModel"));
>>>>>>>>>>> or do not use the default model slot of B to store the model.
>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>> way
>>>>>>>>>>> setDefaultModel() calls on B will be a noop and you can choose
>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> provide a setter.
>>>>>>>>>>> 2) you are only "solving" this for a subset of usecases where the
>>>>>>>>>>> container (A) is not generic. are we also going to make
>>>>>>>>>>> setModel(T)
>>>>>>>>>>> protected? that would require the model assignment be done
>>>>>>>>>>> through
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> constructor only and would eliminate any possibility of writing
>>>>>>>>>>> builder-style code. consider a simple example:
>>>>>>>>>>> new DropDownChoice("foo").setModel(bar).setChoices(baz)...
>>>>>>>>>>> this kind of code should be possible whether written directly by
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> developer in the page or produced by some builder.
>>>>>>>>>>> -igor
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 5:19 AM, Sven Meier <s...@meiers.net>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Even a simpler example might fail (no PropertyModel involved):
>>>>>>>>>>>> class APanel extends Panel {
>>>>>>>>>>>>           APanel(String id, IModel<Some> model) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>               super(id,model);
>>>>>>>>>>>>               add(new BPanel("b", model);
>>>>>>>>>>>>           }
>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>> A client using APanel might later change the model, leaving
>>>>>>>>>>>> BPanel
>>>>>>>>>>>> working
>>>>>>>>>>>> on the old model:
>>>>>>>>>>>>          aPanel.setDefaultModel(otherModel);
>>>>>>>>>>>> You could argue that APanel should be made failsafe when passing
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> model:
>>>>>>>>>>>>          add(new BPanel("b", new PropertyModel(this,
>>>>>>>>>>>> "defaultModel")));
>>>>>>>>>>>> But it would be much easier if APanel could assume that its
>>>>>>>>>>>> model
>>>>>>>>>>>> isn't
>>>>>>>>>>>> changed unattendedly.
>>>>>>>>>>>> IMHO changing a component's model isn't the "wicket way" so I'd
>>>>>>>>>>>> suggest
>>>>>>>>>>>> changing the visibility of Component#setDefaultModel() to
>>>>>>>>>>>> protected.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sven
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 09/27/2012 10:47 AM, Martin Grigorov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I see. This is an advanced way to create a static model :-)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> But again I find PropertyModel as the real problem here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll let others give their opinions too.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Michael Mosmann
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mich...@mosmann.de>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Am 27.09.2012 09:51, schrieb Martin Grigorov:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a dont care about the type issue here.. Maybe i can explain it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> again
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other way:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> APanel uses model instance A and the label uses a property
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> model
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which uses a reference to model instance A.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After calling APanel.setDefaultModel(B) APanel uses model
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B,but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> label uses model instance P which uses model instance A as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> label does not see any changes, because no one tells the model
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that it should use B instead of A. I think, there are rare
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cases
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> usage.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In this particular code I think the "problem" is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PropertyModel,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> since
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it brings the type unsafety.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Another solution is to make Component<T>, this way we can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remove
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #setDefaultModel() and have #setModel(IModel<T>) only and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems will go away.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But as discussed in early Wicket 1.4 days this will lead to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> typing. With Java 7 diamonds it is half the typing though.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For now you can use GenericPanel, GenericPage and all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FormComponent.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Michael Mosmann
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mich...@mosmann.de>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Am 27.09.2012 09:01, schrieb Martin Grigorov:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think, there is a little difference in using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> setDefaultModel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> setDefaultModelObject .. the first one sets a new model
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instance,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> second
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only change the value in the existing model. Some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pseudo-code:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> class APanel extends Panel {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            APanel(String id,IModel<Some> model) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                super(id,model);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                add(new Label("name",new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PropertyModel(getDefaultModel(),"name"));
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you replace the value in model, everything is fine and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> works
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> expected.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you call setDefaultModel you might think, that everything
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fine,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its not. A child component does not use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getParent().getDefaultModel()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these changes. I saw a lot of code like this, which leads to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trouble,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change the model and not the value.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If there is no benefit in using setDefaultModel over
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> setDefaultModelObject i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would like to remove this method. This could prevent many
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> might
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> got
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the full picture how to use wicket the right way" errors.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Most of the time it is recommended to use a dynamic model,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no reason to replace the component's model.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Component#setDefaultModel() gives you semi-dynamic nature -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> replace the model completely with a new one. Same with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #setDefaultModelObject().
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What is the problem you face with it ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Michael Mosmann
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mich...@mosmann.de>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is there any usefull application of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Component.setDefaultModel(...)?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMHO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this Method is the cause for much trouble without any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> benefit.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> maybe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> did not understand when someone should replace a component
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> model...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael

Martin Grigorov
Training, Consulting, Development

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