it may sound like a crazy idea, but sometimes a good idea started as a
crazy one: I want to remove javax.servlet from wicket-core. Why? Here
are some thoughts:
- run a wicket application on a netty/vert.x/what-ever stack
- make test easier (BaseWicketTester is not as clear as it should be)
- maybe it's easier to implement atmosphere or something like this
without this javax.servlet rabbit hole
- your ideas
The last days i did some code changes (
... with limited success. Removing javax.servlet from core is possible
as far as we ignore something like spring. But that's not an option...
What i want to know: Is there any chance, that this can succeed? This
will change wicket in many places, and i understand, that nobody will
accept this as an wicket 6.x.y "improvment". Maybe this is the wrong
direction, maybe the right thing to early, not the best thing we could
do now...
Maybe i am the crazy one with obviously to much time for crazy ideas...