I like the goal of improving the site.  I think some of the previous
commenters nailed the changes to the beta that we would need.  In
particular (and in rough order of what I see as their importance):

1. Fluid design - let's use Bootstrap.  It's easy and ubiquitous.  It gives
us fluid (rescalable) design easy as well as some of the other things

2. Jumbotron - agree with Mike - it's too big, maybe entirely unnecessary.
If we're going to have a hero box or jumbotron at the top, it needs to be
of use - advertising something.  But I think the six-box thing just below
the jumbotron is much more attractive for "above the fold" content - and
it's useful.

3. consistency in coloring / logo ... is the blue an intentional change
from "Wicket orange"?  If so, I think we need to think about the
ramifications - an entire rebrand (including wicket-examples, probably a
new logo, etc).  "Easy" == stick with the orange.

4. fixed header - I think it is useful - bootstrap would give us this

5. the sections of the page could likely be distinguished from each other a
bit more with more obvious section headers (news, downloads, etc).

I worry, too, about how to navigate on pages other than the homepage.  If
we have the "flat" design where the top navbar on the homepage only
contains links to sections on that page, what happens when you are on
another page of the site?  How do you navigate back home?  It seems bad to
have a different navigation on those other pages than on the homepage.  Do
you have an example of how other "flat" websites handle this?

Many thanks for all the work on this and everything else Martijn!

Jeremy Thomerson
*Ask me about our plans for on-line training lessons.*

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