Hi Maxim,

On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 6:09 PM, Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com>

> Hello All,
> recently I have proposed the patch to reduce copy/paste while implementing
> custom IAuthenticationStrategy.


> Actually this interface have 2 methods which are not correlate to each
> other
> String[] load();
> void save(final String username, final String password);
> in fact this is getter and setter but with different signatures
> The change I would like to propose is to replace (in Wicket7)
> void save(final String username, final String password);
> with
> void save(final String... credentials);
> this will allow to easily store additional credentials (like domain) and
> will not introduce the code break since previous calls will work as
> expected
> What do you think?

Replacing #save(String, String) with #save(String, String, String...) looks
better to me.
This way it guarantees that the username and password are still provided.
Or maybe with #save(String, String...) - if only one thing will be saved
(e.g. a token?!).
#save(String...) suggests that it is possible to save nothing. I don't see
a use case for this.

In the patch for Wicket 7.x in WICKET-5823 you added a new method to the
API, instead of replacing the old one. Having several #save() methods
didn't look OK to me.

> --
> Maxim aka solomax

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